Currently on holiday, pls message if urgent ❤️

Momo is formally know as Momo Girl, started by Johana Te Momo in 1995.  Inspired by Versace,  Johana wanted to combine her Maaori culture in a fun and creative way to showcase a different edge in the late 90’s.  

From humble beginnings Johana visualised being a fashion designer at the age of 10, winning awards after her degree at the age 18, then moving to Auckland from her small town Whangarei to work for a renowned fashion designer in 1997. But because of her traumatic upbringing, she doubted her ability, thinking she wasn’t good enough, as she was told in childhood and followed a different life, working in bars instead. 

20 years later, after tokotoru (3) tamariki/children and a healing waka/journey.  Johana is finally following her dreams, to empower tangata/people to be confident in their own skin by encouraging your personality to shine and unashamedly owning who you are, no matter what others say or think! 

Momo in Maaori means type of, kind, or breed, representing being an individual and owning it!

As a Maaori owned company we honour and respect Papatuuaanuku/mother earth, we do our best to supply sustainable, New Zealand owned and 100% organic cotton.

Dupont 1995 Sportwear Winning garment

Dupont Fashion awards 1995 ~ Where it all started.